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Area Code 212 Information

Area Code 212 Map State: NY - New York
Active: True

Area code 212 is a telephone area code in New York City. New York City was originally given area code 212 when area codes were assigned in 1947, because it is the fastest area code that could be dialed with a rotary dial given the numbering plan. At the time, 1 was not allowed as the first digit, the second digit was either 0 or 1, and area codes could not end with 11 or 0. Today, only the borough of Manhattan retains the 212 area code, which is overlaid with area codes 646 and 917. The area codes for the other boroughs of New York City are now 718 and, more recently, 347. The Bronx was the last outer borough to lose the 212 code. Most cell phones in all five boroughs use the area codes 917 and 646; some new cell phones use 347.

Related Area Codes: 646, 718

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