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Area Code 770 Information

Area Code 770 Map State: GA - Georgia
Active: True

770 is a telephone area code in the NANP, assigned to metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia's suburbs and exurbs. It was split from 404 in 1995, just three years after the 706 split. Due to exurban resident complaints about the original BellSouth maps leaving them no longer associated with the well-known 404, those rapidly-growing areas were put back into 404, forcing the entire suburban ring of metro Atlanta to lose 404 much earlier than necessary. Today, 770 is reserved for use outside roughly Interstate 285, with 404 reserved for inside the Perimeter (I-285). Both codes are now overlaid by 678, and 470 (potentially very confusing with 404 and 770, and adjacent 478).

Related Area Codes: 285, 404, 678

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